Sunday, 16 September 2012

Mr . Brainwash

MR BRAINWASH , who is he ? Mr. Brainwash is the moniker (slang name)  of Los Angeles , also known as Theirry 
Guetta and was born in France, 1966 and has become one of America’s most popular street artists. Mr. Brainwash is an artist who creates interesting pieces of art on the walls of the streets from Los Angeles to Paris. By using his spray-painted stencils and posters which have inspired him to create his art piece along the streets.

Mr     Mr. Brainwash was a French man who had filmed street artists all around LA at night for three years but, he never made the film that which he intended to.  He eventually made his own graffiti and sprayed them onto walls, all around the world.

In June 2008 Mr Brainwash made his art show called ‘Life is Beautiful’ which had creative pieces of work such as a pyramid made from 20,000 books, many visitors were attracted to his work. In the year 2009, Madonna the famous singer had asked from him to design the cover of her greatest hits.

Mr. Brainwashes work is all mainly about pop art and he has been inspired by the other artists such as the famous artist Banksy.
Neu Black interviewed Mr. Brainwash
New Black: what were your inspirations for the show?
Mr.Brainwash: All of the artists I’ve seen inspire me. Banksy put me in the paper and said to me “you’ll do a show in June” He brought me out of the box 
Know that nothing is impossible, if you really want to do something. You really have to want to do it.  You think you see from your eyes but you really see from your heart. That’s why Life Is Beautiful.
This is an interview that Mr. Brainwash had and by what he says, his work is about pop art but also inspirations from other artists, mainly from Banksy.

My favorite piece of art done my Mr. Brainwash is the piece of a monkey sitting on a coca cola box and is using a spray can and has spelt out ‘Follow your dreams’. The reason for why I like this piece of art by Mr. Brainwash is because its not only strange but I like the colors that he has used in the background, it looks all messy as if it was a wall full of just paint and spray can but, if you closer at it you can see pictures in the background such as the Madonna face, spray can and the small letter ‘P’ in the background. I also like the phrase that he has used which is ‘Follow your dreams’
Mr. Brainwash’s work is strange in a way because of the different objects he uses and the wide range of different bold color. His work is very creative and some are unrealistic such as the monkey sitting on a coca cola can spraying out the words.  He has used his imagination and has created strange yet beautiful pieces of work, which the famous artist Banksy has inspired him.

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